Management Information Systems (MIS)

Job Description:Technology and information management is clearly becoming an important competitive element for businesses in all industries. As technology continues to evolve, the need for management information systems professionals will also increase.
Role: Management Information Systems professionals (MIS Professionals) are involved in the strategic direction of technology and information within their organizations. MIS professionals usually work for a chief information officer are often responsible for manage information systems for their organization, planning how to implement the technology, and working with engineers, analysts, and programmers on a project-basis. MIS is also referred to as Business Information Systems and Technology Information Systems (BTIS).
Required Training: Strong communications skills, as well as an understanding of technology and business, are important in this career field. An Associate's or Bachelor's degree or a Masters in Management Information Systems, especially in the area of management information systems, is preferred. A Master's degree in BIS or MIS Management Information Systems is advisable to advance to senior management. A Master's in Business Administration is also an option, but the MBA should have a strong focus on Information Technology.
Many of the MIS schools reviewed on this site provide career preparation for MIS Management Information Systems, but we have found that the schools listed below offer the most comprehensive training in MIS Technology.
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