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Wisconsin Technical Schools

Electronics and computer technology, accounting, office and new media technologies, and maintenance technologies—these are just a few of the career fields available to technical school graduates. Technical school graduates may work as science technicians, pharmacy technicians, veterinary medical technicians and paramedics, engineering technicians, sound engineering technicians and more. Most technical schools offer a wide variety of degree options, so finding a technical school to match your education path will be easy. Fortunately, the state of Wisconsin has a number of technical schools to fit all backgrounds.

Wisconsin technical schools offer certificates, associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and advanced degrees in technical related fields. Wisconsin is home to top technical colleges such as Western Technical College (est. 1912), Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (est. 1913), and Southwest Wisconsin Technical College (est. 1967). Overall, the state of Wisconsin has 31 public and 42 private institutions with more than 303,000 students enrolled. Thousands of Wisconsin students attend technical school, with more than 15,000 enrolled in Wisconsin’s top technical schools alone. According to the latest figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau, undergraduate technical school enrollment is 266,000+ students across the nation.

Schools to consider:

Facts and Figures for Wisconsin Technical Schools

Average Tuition Costs On-Campus

The average cost for tuition and fees at a public Wisconsin technical school is $6,177 per academic year. The average cost for tuition and fees at a private Wisconsin technical school is $21,334 per academic year.

Average Tuition Costs Online

The tuition costs for online Wisconsin technical schools start at around $200-$220 per credit hour. For graduate school, tuition starts at around $300-$320 per credit hour. Students will pay the same tuition and fees for online technical schools as on-campus programs, but you will save a significant amount of money by eliminating room & board expenses as well as transportation costs. The average room and board costs for public Wisconsin colleges is $5,571 per academic year.

Noted On-Campus Wisconsin Technical Schools and Enrollment

Western Technical College (avg. enrollment, 6,502 students)
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (avg. enrollment, 39,000 students)
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College (avg. enrollment, 2,718 students)

Noted Online Technical Schools Available in Wisconsin

Western Technical College
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
Moraine Park Technical College
DeVry University
University of Phoenix Online

Accredited Wisconsin Technical Schools

Western Technical College
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
Fox Valley Technical College
Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College

Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2007, 126th Ed.
Princeton Review
National Center for Education and Statistics
The U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Department of Education

Locations Wisconsin