Computer & Information Systems Managers Careers: Employment & Salary Trends for Aspiring Computer & Information Systems Managers

Computer & Information Systems Managers at a Glance
Computer & information systems managers currently hold the number 20 spot on the list of The 500 Best Jobs Overall. Computer & information systems managers earn one of the highest starting salaries among all careers, and the talent pool is expected to grow at an above average rate over the next 7 years.
Computer & information systems managers are responsible for planning and overseeing the use and installation of computer systems in industrial, office, and business settings. They also work for software companies and other related fields.
Computer & information systems managers are also responsible for recruiting, hiring, training, and managing staff. In addition, these enterprising individuals start and carry out projects, as well as make decisions, and protect the security of computer systems.
Schools to consider:
Employment Trends
Job Outlook: Above average increase
Annual Openings: 30,887
Percent Growth: 16.4%
Total Jobs Held: 431,000
Projected Employment: 307,000
The Best 500 Jobs Overall Ranking: 20
Source: “Best Jobs for the 21st Century,” JIST Publishing 2009. Farr, Michael and Shatkin, Laurence, Ph.D.; “Salary Facts Handbook,” JIST Publishing 2008. Editors @ JIST.
Technology moves fast. In order to keep up, computer & information systems managers are constantly updating their skill set and learning new programs.
Aspiring computer & information systems managers can expect an above average increase in job growth as a result of advances in technology. In addition, most firms have their eye on remaining competitive. Businesses want to stay ahead of the game, so they upgrade systems regularly or install more complex systems to replace the “old.” Although outsourcing has become a permanent part of America’s technology-driven landscape, the job growth in this sector will remain strong as long as the desire to stay ahead or current continues.
Salary Trends
Computer & information systems managers can expect to earn an average salary of $108,070 per year. Computer & information systems managers in the 90th percentile can expect to earn around $145,600 per year, while 75th percentile computer & information systems managers can expect to earn $129,250 per year. Entry-level computer & information systems managers can expect to earn a starting salary of around $60,800 per year. It is important to note that salaries for this occupation vary greatly by experience and specialty.
Degrees and Training Programs
Although it is possible to enter the field the computer & information systems without a degree, most employers prefer to hire aspiring computer & information systems managers with a master’s degree. Computer & information systems managers without a degree will more than likely spend years working in the field before being promoted to management level. Currently, 1.7% of all computer & information systems managers have a doctoral degree, 19.8% have a master’s degree, 34.1% have a bachelor’s degree, and 12.2% have an associate degree. 19.5% have some college but no degree.
Employers prefer to hire aspiring computer & information systems managers with a master of business administration (MBA), with a focus on technology. Aspiring computer & information systems managers seeking a bachelor’s degree should consider a BA in management information systems. Although certification is not required, certifications in certain hardware or software can increase credibility and boost marketability. Hardware and software companies typically offer product-specific certifications.
Coursework Required
Aspiring computer & information systems managers will take courses that teach the language of business, such as accounting, finance, and economics. Students will also take courses in the areas of calculus, statistics, computer engineering, computer science, and information systems management.
Did you know that there are more than 100,000 known computer and three to five new strains are discovered every day? Computer & information systems managers are there to manage security in order to protect entire networks from these viruses, in any given business, industrial or retail setting.
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